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Auth Middleware






Carries out essential validation of most routes to secure the whole API.

What the Middleware does

  • Checks if the request has a header and a body content.
  • Checks if the body has a uid field [400].
  • Gets the Authorization Bearer token from the headers [401].
  • Verify if the JWT is valid using the same secret key that was used to generate it with the same original algorithm.
  • Checks if the payload of the JWT contains an iss part [401].
  • Finds the record for the user whose uid corresponds to that in the body from the users collection [404].
  • Checks if that user record has the same value for its prev_email field as that obtained from the iss part of the payload [401].
  • If there was a field named old_password passed in the body of that request, checks if the value in the old_password field is valid by hashing it and comparing it to the one in the fetched record from the users collection [401].
  • Checks if the user record fetched has a value of true for its active field [401].