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Konnect API Documentation

The Konnect API Documentation helps to understand the purpose, structure and validation of data in place for each and every route. It helps to understand how the whole API is laid out and the logic behind everything. Without these API Docs, it would be very tedious and hard to be able to make a well-planned, configurable, maintainable and efficient API.

This API Documentation website will be continuously maintained and might be in advance on some features being described. The actual API will reflect changes only when these have been planned and described here on this website. There is a CORS policy in place on the API that allows only websites with the * and * domain names to consume the routes in place but anyone should be able to interact with those using most REST clients such as Postman, ReqBin, Insomnia or using just plain ol’ cURL requests.

All API routes need to be called using https. The type of request to be done (GET, POST) is denoted by a text in a green label on every route.

Routes having a yellow JWT label need to be accessed while passing an Authorizaion Bearer Token obtained from the /user/login route.

Routes having a purple PGN label support pagination. This allows you to pass in an offset and limit value when calling the route in the format <API_ROUTE>?offset=<value>&limit=<value>. Without passing in an offset and limit value to routes supporting pagination, by default all records will be returned.

Routes having a red disabled label have been judged to possibly pose problems to the whole ecosystem including the API, and although have been implemented, won’t be interacting with the normal operation of the API or with data present in the database in any way.

For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact me on social medias or to just send me a mail.

The API should be available at

Visualize the database schema in place Quick reference for the API routes